Research communication
Portal world for applied energy research merged
Energieforschung.de is the central information site for project funding by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in the energy research programme. The previous range of topic-specific portals for applied energy research is now combined on this website.
News from research funding, progress from innovative projects and useful information on funding – you can find it all here at energieforschung.de. The BMWK uses the portal to provide information on all topics related to the ministry's project funding in the energy research programme.
From now on, the website will also provide content on the progress of the funded projects, which could previously be found on the portals industrie-energieforschung.de, energiesystem-forschung.de, energiewendebauen.de and strom-forschung.de. Visitors who access the pages of the portals via existing links will therefore be redirected to energieforschung.de.
A wide range of interesting content from the previous portal world
The articles published on the four portals in recent years can be found on energieforschung.de under the corresponding site categories. These include articles from the sections news, interviews and project insights under ‘Home’. Content on the individual research areas is available here via the ‘funding priorities’ filter.
In addition to this additional content, the information portal continues to provide you with all the latest news and information about the 8th Energy Research Programme of the BMWK. If you have any questions or comments about energieforschung.de, please contact the editorial team.